Sewer Main Repair & Replacement in Dayton

When you have trouble with your main sewer line, trust the experts with over 30 years of experience — trust Ed Rike Plumbing, Heating & Air. We proudly serve Preble, Montgomery, Darke, Miami, Clark, and Greene Counties.

For many Dayton homeowners, their plumbing is out of sight, out of mind. However, an undetected water leak in your main sewer line can cause significant property damage and a spike in your water bill. If you have plumbing issues, but can’t pinpoint the problem, call Ed Rike Plumbing, Heating & Air.

If you’ve purchased a new gas appliance, call us for our gas line installation service.

Signs You Need Sewer Line Repair

Sometimes, an issue with the main sewer line isn’t readily apparent. Here are the most common signs to watch for that signal that you may need a new sewer pipe installation.

  • Sewer Gas Odor – Sewer gas odor coming from your drains is a clear sign that there are issues in the main sewer line.
  • Slow Drains – Drains may empty slowly because of a blockage in a particular pipe, but if you have more than one drain the exhibits this problem, chances are there’s a blockage in the main sewer line.
  • Clogs & Backups – As with slow drains, a clog or backup in one fixture indicates an obstruction in that particular pipe; however, if you have multiple clogs, it’s likely an issue in the primary sewer line.
  • Lush Areas on Lawn – If you notice one spot of your lawn that’s more vibrant and thriving than the rest, it could be a leak in your main sewer line that’s the culprit.
  • Mold & Mildew – When mold and mildew buildup in the house, there’s excess moisture, which may come from a broken sewer line.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, call Ed Rike Plumbing, Heating & Air, for repair.

What’s the Difference Between Sewer Pipe repair vs. Replacement?

Fixing a sewer pipe causes a lot of headaches and inconveniences. If you have problems with the main sewer line, you may wonder if it’s better to repair it or replace it. Here are the differences:

Consider repairing the line if there are small cracks or holes. When the damage is more severe, Replacement is the better option. Sometimes, contractors will perform a trenchless repair, which means less excavating and tearing up your property. Also, trenchless repairs cost about half of what full-blown replacement costs.
Call us and let us inspect your sewer pipe to help you decide if it’s better to repair it or replace it.

For stubborn drain clogs in your Dayton home, call us and ask about our drain cleaning services.

Causes of Sewer Line Damage

If you’re connected to a sewage system, your water flows out of the house through a network of pipes that get larger the closer they get to the treatment plant. Since every drain in your home connects to the main sewer line, trouble in that line means problems for your entire plumbing system. Here are the most common causes of sewer line damage.

  • Movement – When soil moves or shifts, it can cause the line to jostle, creating cracks and breaks.
  • Clogs – When the pipe becomes clogged with grease, waste, and other debris, it can cause the water pressure to build up and force a rupture.
  • Corrosion – Many Dayton, OH homes use metal sewer lines, which are prone to corrosion as they age.

Other Services Includes:

For expert sewer line repair and replacement, rely on the pros at Ed Rike Plumbing, Heating & Air. Call today at 937-962-2939.